Fresh Start

With every year passing , I am not very sure whether i am getting more stupider as I age or the life is getting harder because everything is getting complicated. From emotions to finance to academics everything is getting crazy.

According to Fresh start effect temporal landmarks like beginning of something -Monday, New year, first of month etc give homo sapiens motivation, energy, passion and hope. So this time I am doing the same.

Whenever I see the end result-like in they say in book by Rhonda “the secret” -manifestation technique, I go into self doubt by seeing that the distance is too large between my goals and my current position. So, like in atomic habits author suggested I will be more focusing on systems rather than end goals. Bare minimum execution is the first step of the system I will be focusing this year.

It is not like studying 18 hours a day but instead on small goals like studying comfortably but consistently. I noticed this pattern which works for me is Reward system works opposite , if i complete small targets i get motivated to do more because it tells that yes, the goal is achievable. This year onwards I will be careful in not starting a big goals when i am high in motivation and then get frustrated when i cant achieve it.

The second thing is about my (almost toxic list which i planned on my best days)to do list which normally I list out but i cant eventually tick everything and then get stressed. Not all days are same, hence motivation mapping is important. There are many factors throughout the day which affects my productivity. So, this year onwards I am being little more flexible with to do list and also write not to do list(for generic things which i know i can afford doing late), passive tasks and active tasks* of to do list with the maximum active task being 6-7 per day. And also leave few hours blank in todolist for the day. For back up failures as I call them. And the list needs to consider all the factors which affects my efficiency.

What i have realised in 2022 is Ananya the engineer, Ananya the student, Ananya the artist, Ananya the sportsperson are all very efficient but Ananya the manager is a horrible one. So, this year the manager needs to become better and hence can manage properly. So maybe this year i need to learn to have a Kind voice in my head.

Another bad habit I would like to change is -I normally get into immediate goal of solving a problem. This is a great problem of never slowing down, but this year rather than taking rash decisions I will create a draft instead because most of the times I jump into creating solutions because of excitement and I do not have enough data about it and hence eventually the hard work also gets waste. I will try to remind myself that the future versions of me will be more equipped to deal with them, so i do not need to get stressed now about them and I can focus on what currently I am doing after putting it into draft instead of just always thinking about it 24*7.

Others are pretty generic.

  1. I will be more intentional with phone use(trying to make it as less as 30 minutes per day – basically for only calls and important whatsapp messages).
  2. Eating healthy
  3. Learning more about finances.
  4. I love reading hence will try to read a book every week, not necessarily new because i am a believer of “one can never read a same book twice” because i am not the same person and hence its not the same book. And everyday 10-15 minutes minimum on improving my brain.
  5. I will be working on my lifestyle and improve flexibility and expressing more instead of thinking that its selfish to care for own needs.

Another major change for me is -I have started journalling 2 months ago after seeing a video of Ali Abdal with Tara Swert and plan to continue it. Downloading the negativities from brain and uploading positive things to the brain is my goal through journalling. I am starting hence I have these questions which helps me when i don’t feel like I have anything to write. – Good things that happened to me today ?

-What do I want ? Is it because of ego or do i want to prove anything to anyone ?

-Who am I today ? In terms of society , in terms of my own view point ?

-What are my future plans and what is the forethought, clarity, readiness, strategy, planning , autonomy regarding my goals ?

What am I feeling today ? I am new to this hence using the emotions wheel.

What is making me feel like i am being punched in the gut ?(this is a lovely question which helps me seeing some of the patterns in my own handwriting) Hoping to continue this

Wishing you a wonderful year

Curious to know about your plans for the coming days

*Passive task only doing the task and active task is deciding and then doing the task.

Example in terms of exercise/ sports. If I go to an instructor then he/ she will guide me step wise what to do next, how to practise. But the same thing i can do at home with help of internet self teaching but then it becomes 2 tasks- one is sports and another is the time and brain used to decide. So, i noticed that passive tasks are more convenient . It does not necessarily has to be an outsider always. I can also take one day in the beginning of month and decide what will be my months plan and write it in a system. But deciding at that time of sports is less effective for me and i will also procastinate if i am tired that day. But if its passive task it will be little easier to do it and hence consistency will be maintained.

Ananya Tripathy – 1 January 2024